Scrum – The Essential Guide | 2nd Edition
In this book you will learn the most important things about Agile Project Management and Scrum to apply them successfully. It describes Scrum comprehensively, systematically, and easily understandable. You learn the following topics:
- Agile Project Management
- The Scrum Framework
- The Scrum Team
- Agile and Scrum values
- Scrum events and artifacts
- Requirement management in Scrum
- Scrum for large and distributed projects, Scrum@Scale
- Contracts for Agile Projects
Agile Project Management is suitable for all types of projects, not only in IT and software development, but also in other industries, where Lean Management and Kanban are applied.
With 46 figures and a comprehensive glossary of definitions of all key terms, this high-quality book is equally suited as a comprehensive introduction and reference guide for business and for educational purposes.
This is a book for beginners in Scrum and Agile Project Management, but also for advanced readers who are preparing for a Scrum certification.
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